Saturday, June 5, 2010

last 1.2

Last 1.2

I’ve read that dedicating miles helps, one name for every 26.2 miles. There are so many heroes, family members, friends and others who deserve a spot on the list, and I am creating my list. Perhaps I am going about this backwards, but I’ve decided my name for the last 1.2 miles. A few years back I read an article in Outside Magazine, and was taken aback by Dr. Bob Breedlove. The man was an inspiration to everyone he met, and his tragic death in 2005 took from this world a life force without equal. I would ask you to look his name up and read his story. Once he was a runner, but switched to endurance cycling to keep his knees healthy. Something happened in his 53rd year as he was attempting another RAAM crossing. Tragically he was struck by a vehicle in Colorado on the fifth day of the race. To quote Breedlove, “Just another day in paradise.”

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